nic becattini cd various un blues per paolo PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: nick becattini and the serious fun
Album Title (titre de l'album): UN BLUES PER…PAOLO
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:40
Musical genre / Genre musical: Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD various)
Label: -
Cat. Number (Référence):
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: Italy
©: recorded (enregistré): 1998
®: released (paru): 1998
Country of interpreter: Band from Pistoia, Italy
Members: (membres) Nick Becattini: Ce, Chitarra
Mimmo Mollica: Armonica, Voce
Antonio Masoni: Tastiere, Voce
Mario Marmugi: Batteria
Janko Giovannini: Basso, Voce

Registered live at Auditorium in Pistoia, Italy on June 4th, 1998 - 4 juin 1998 - 4 giugno 1998

Picture of the cover in best quality welcome (and also name of label and Cat.number)

Hendrix Covers