spymix cd so good it's spymix front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: spy::MIX
Album Title (titre de l'album): SO GOOD, IT'S SPY MIX
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:04
Musical genre / Genre musical: Indie / Electronique / Trip Hop
Medium (Support): CD digital album / album numérique
Label: SPY MIX
Cat. Number (Référence): -
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré): 2006
®: released (paru): 2006
Country of interpreter: Band from Oakland, California, USA
Members: (membres) Glen Sanford: Electric guitars, analog and digital processing
Tony V: Bass guitar, analog and digital processing
Noah K: Acoustic and electronic percussion, samples
Websites: http://spymix.com
recorded 24 May, 2006

Hendrix Covers