electric trunk - mariachis gringos cd yellow jackets front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: ELECTRIC TRUNK - MARIACHIS GRINGOS
Album Title (titre de l'album): YELLOW JACKETS (Gilets Jaunes)
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:04
Musical genre / Genre musical: Rock
Medium (Support): digital CD / CD numérique
Cat. Number (Référence): none
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré): 2019
®: released (paru): 2019
Country of interpreter: Band from San Diego, California, USA
Members: (membres) unknow
Website:- -

gbflag Electric Trunk write: album is about the Yellow Vests fighting for freedom and equality in France against the elites that continue to take more and more freedoms and wealth from working men and women. I changed the name from Vests to Jackets to represent a powerful force.

frflag Electric Trunk écrit: l'album parle des Gilets jaunes qui luttent pour la liberté et l'égalité en France contre les élites qui continuent de s'emparer de plus en plus de libertés et de richesses chez les hommes et les femmes qui travaillent. J'ai changé le nom de Vestes en "Jackets" pour représenter une force puissante.

1. Yellow Jackets - The Electric Trunk 3:14
2. Hey Joe - Mariachis Gringos 2:04
3. Stone - The Electric Trunk 2:07
4. The Great Debate - Mariachis Gringos 2:09
5. Pelosi - The Electric Trunk 3:14
6. Maga - Mariachis Gringos 3:09
7. Stormy Daniels - Mariachis Gringos 3:33
8. Good Old Days - The Electric Trunk 3:54
All songs written, arranged, produced, performed, recorded, mixed and masted by The Electric Trunk and Mariachis Gringos except Hey Joe
written by Jimi Hendrix

Leaves Covers