hustlers picture PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The hustlers feat. stefano vinci
Album Title (titre de l'album): Hey Joe (From The Grave To The Light)
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:01
Musical genre / Genre musical: 60's garage
Medium (Support): mp3
Label: Unreleased
Cat. Number (Référence):
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: Italy
©: recorded (enregistré): 2000
®: released (paru):
Country of interpreter: Band from Italy
Members: (membres) Marco Fanari: Lead Guitar / chitarra solista
Giorgio Garau: Rythm Guitar /chitarra ritmica
Sandro Murtas:Keyboards / organo
Danilo Prinzis: Singer / voce
Marcello Salis: Bass / basso
Stefano Vinci: Drums / batteria

Leaves Covers