johnny vortex cd things exposed that shouldn't exist front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: johnny vortex
Album Title (titre de l'album): THINGS EXPOSED THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:36
Musical genre / Genre musical: Garage
Medium (Support): CD EP
Cat. Number (Référence): -
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré): 2002
®: released (paru): 2002
Country of interpreter: Band from Austin, Texas, USA
Members: (membres) Les Weiler: Vocals, Theremin
Ted James: Guitar
Schuyler Hupp: Bass
George Pestana: Drums
recorded live at Emo's in Austin, Texas, on October 10th, 2002

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