paul wather single hey joe not you front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Paul Wather
Album Title (titre de l'album): Hey Joe / Not You
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:23
Musical genre / Genre musical: pop, rock
Medium (Support): 7" single
Cat. Number (Référence): R45-2032
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: Sweden
©: recorded (enregistré): 1967
®: released (paru): 1967
Country of interpreter: band from Västerås, Sweden
Members: (membres) Håkan Svahn: Vocals, Sång
Lars Wiklund: Guitar, Gitarr
Bengt Linnerud: Bass, Bas
Christer Hjort: Organ, Orgel
Kjell Karlsson: Drums, Trummor
Website / Site internet -
Slavko Mustapić from Croatia sent me the scans of this rare single. I thank him very much

same version on: / même version sur:

paul wather cd we're gonna change the world front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: PAUL WATHER
Album Title / Titre de l'album WE'RE GONNA CHANGE THE WORLD
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:23
Musical genre / Genre musical: Pop, Rock
Medium / Support: 6xCD box set + 94 page booklet
Cat. Nr / Référence: RUB6CDBOX15
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: UK
©: recorded / enregistré: 1967
®: released / paru: 2021

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Leaves Covers