pond cd nuggets Antipodean Interpolations Of The First Psychadelic Era front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The POND
Album Title (titre de l'album): NUGGETS Antipodean Interpolations Of The First Psychadelic Era
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:01
Musical genre / Genre musical: Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Number (Référence): 5310552102
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: Australia
©: recorded (enregistré): 2012
®: released (paru): 2012
Country of interpreter: Band from Perth, Australia
Members: (membres) Nick Allbrook: Vocals, Flute, Keys, Guitar
Jay Watson: Guitar, keys, bass & backing vocals
Joseph Ryan: Guitar, bass & backing vocals
Jamie Terry: Bass
Cam Avery: Drums
Website: http://www.pondband.com/

pond cd nuggets Antipodean Interpolations Of The First Psychadelic Era back

the pond picture
photo © copyright The Pond

gb following text, © copyright http://www.hartzine.com/pond-l-interview/
For the 40 years of compilation Nuggets, Warner Australia organized an album of covers by Australian groups.
Hartzines: You're on the Aussi Nuggets comp that went out last year. Can tell me more about how the project went ?
Pond: It was a great idea, a great concepts. Nuggets had a great influence on many generations, even today. Unfortunatly, we got asked at the last minute and all the good songs got picked. We wanted to do Nazz be we ended up with Hey Joe, which is cool but not that good.

fr texte suivant, copyrigh © http://www.hartzine.com/pond-l-interview/
Pour les 40 ans de la compilation Nuggets, Warner Australia a organisé un album de reprises par des groupes australiens.
Hartzine: Comment s'est passée votre participation au projet Aussie Nuggets ?
Pond: C'était une super idée, un super concept. Les Nuggets ont eu un gros impact sur des générations. Encore maintenant, des jeunes continuent de les écouter. Concernant le projet, on a été peu vexé d'avoir été appelé à la dernière minute. Du coup, toutes les meilleures chansons avaient déjà été prises. On voulait reprendre Nazz, mais on a du se rabattre sur Hey Joe qui est cool mais pas phénoménale.

Leaves Covers