stems cd killer weed front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The stems Feat. Dom MARIANI
Album Title (titre de l'album): KILLER WEED
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:51
Musical genre / Genre musical: 60's garage, Rock, Punk
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Number (Référence): RUN 0011
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: Spain
©: recorded (enregistré): 1986
®: released (paru): 1996?
Country of interpreter: Band from Perth, Australia
Members: (membres) Dom Mariani: Vocals, Lead Guitar
Richard Lane: Vocals, Keyboards, Guitar
Julian Matthews: Vocals, Bass
Gary Chambers: Drums

Dave Shaw: Drums on Hey Joe:
Website / Site internet -

Hey Joe live at Old Melbourne, in Perth, Australia, 1986

stems cd killer weed cover out

stems cd killer weed cover in

same version on: / même version sur:

stems cd shake and shame front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The stems
album Title (titre de l'album) SHAKE & SHAME !!
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:51
Musical genre / Genre musical 60's garage, Rock, Punk
Medium (Support): CD along with Fanzine LARSEN Nr 10
Cat. Nr / Référence: F2010
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1986
®: released (paru) 1995

stems cd lost in tyme front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The stems
album Title (titre de l'album) LOST IN TYME Issue #2
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:51
Musical genre / Genre musical 60's garage, Rock, Punk
Medium (Support): CD (along with Fanzine LOST IN TYME #2 - May 2005)
Cat. Nr / Référence: CD LIT Vol 2
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: Greece
©: recorded (enregistré) 1986
®: released (paru) 2005

front of fanzine LARSEN Nr 10 LOST IN TYME: cover of the Fanzine and back of the CD
stems larsen fanzine stems lost in tyme fanzine stems lost in tyme back of cd

Leaves Covers