surfaris single promo decca side hey joe PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The surfaris
Album Title (titre de l'album): HEY JOE b/w SO GET OUT
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:56
Musical genre / Genre musical: Surf, Garage
Medium (Support): 7" single promo
Label: DECCA
Cat. Number (Référence): 31954
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré): 1966
®: released (paru): 1966
Country of interpreter: 60's band from Glendora, California, USA
Members: (membres) Ron Wilson: Drums
Jim Fuller: Lead guitar
Bob Berryhill: Rhythm guitar
Pat Connolly: Bass
Jim Pash: Saxophone
Website / Site internet -

Hey Joe is curiously credited to W.Hale / T.Cost / G.Usher

so get out

gbflag My Croatian friend Slavko Mustapić gave me this record as a gift. Thank you very much, Slavko
frflag Mon ami croate Slavko Mustapić m'a offert ce disque en cadeau. Merci beaucoup, Slavko

same version on: / même version sur:

surfaris single decca side hey joe PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The surfaris
album Title (titre de l'album) HEY JOE b/w SO GET OUT
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:56
Musical genre / Genre musical Surf, Garage
Medium (Support): 7" single
Label: DECCA
Cat. Nr / Référence: 31954
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré) 1966
®: released (paru) 1966

surfaris single decca canada side hey joesurfarisbetween1surfaris single decca japan side hey joe

surfaris single decca canada side so get outsurfarisbetween2surfaris single decca japan side so get out

The Surfaris 7" single Hey Joe Where Are You Going b/w So Get Out - label Decca # 31954, Canada, 1966
The Surfaris 7" single Hey Joe Where Are You Going b/w So Get Out - label Decca # DS-435, Japan, 1966

surfaris lp gone with the wave front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The surfaris
album Title (titre de l'album) GONE WITH THE WAVE
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:56
Musical genre / Genre musical Surf, Garage
Medium (Support): LP
Label: MCA Cora
Cat. Nr / Référence: CDL 8050
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: UK
©: recorded (enregistré) 1966
®: released (paru) 1977

surfaris lp wipe out the singles album 1963 1967 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The surfaris
album Title (titre de l'album) WIPE OUT: The Singles Album 1963 1967
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:56
Musical genre / Genre musical Surf, Garage
Medium (Support): LP
Label: MCA Records
Cat. Nr / Référence: MCL 1842
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: UK
©: recorded (enregistré) 1966
®: released (paru) 1987

surfaris 2 cd surfers rules / gone with the wave front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The surfaris
album Title (titre de l'album) SURFERS RULE / GONE WITH THE WAVE
Version of Hey Joe: Leaves cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:56
Musical genre / Genre musical Surf, Garage
Medium (Support): 2 CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: BGOCD423
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: UK
©: recorded (enregistré) 1966
®: released (paru) 1998

surfaris 2 cd surfers rules / gone with the wave label 1surfarisbetween3surfaris 2 cd surfers rules / gone with the wave label 2

surfaris 2 cd surfers rules / gone with the wave tray out surfarisbetween4 surfaris 2 cd surfers rules / gone with the wave tray in

gb Who recorded Hey Jo first The LEAVES or The SURFARIS?
It was the LEAVES. Their 7" single, MIRA 207, that features their first version of Hey Joe was published in December 1965 (The 7" single promo in November 1965).
The Surfaris recorded Hey Joe in 1966.
The same year (but perhaps at the end of 1965), the Group SONS OF ADAM recorded Hey Joe (anyway before The SURFARIS)
This band had the same label as The SURFARIS : Decca.
Decca shut out the release of the SONS OF ADAM's version to give priority to the SURFARIS.
Nearly 50 years later, the version of the SONS OF ADAM has still not been released.
It's a pity because when you listen to the other songs of SONS OF ADAM, you realize that they were an excellent group and we can only assume that their version of Hey Joe must be worth listening to.
For when the integral release of the songs of SONS OF ADAM (released and originals) in Vinyl or CD?
See the poster HEY JOE of Third Story Music on The Leaves's page.
Bands listed on this poster are: The LEAVES, LOVE, ENEMIES, The SAFARIS, SAMMY LEE and SON OF ADAM.

fr Qui a enregistré Hey Joe en premier: Les LEAVES ou les SURFARIS?
Ce sont les LEAVES.
Leur 45 tours simple, MIRA 207, où figure leur première version de Hey Joe est paru en décembre 1965 (le 45 tours promo en novembre 1965).
Les SURFARIS ont enregistré Hey Joe en 1966.
La même année (mais peut-être à la fin de 1965), le groupe SONS OF ADAM enregistrait Hey Joe (de toute manière avant les SURFARIS).
Ce groupe avait le même label que les SURFARIS : DECCA
DECCA a bloqué la sortie de la version de SONS OF ADAM pour donner priorité aux SURFARIS.
Presque 50 ans après, la version de SONS OF ADAM n'est toujours pas parue.
C'est dommage car lorsque l'on écoute les autres titres de SONS OF ADAM, on se rend compte que c'était un excellent groupe et l'on peut supposer que sa version de Hey Joe devait valoir la peine d'être écoutée.
Pour quand une parution de l'intégrale des titres (parus et inédits) de SON OF ADAM en vinyl ou CD?

voir le poster HEY JOE de Third Story Music sur la page des Leaves.
les groupes listés sont: Les LEAVES, LOVE, ENEMIES, Les SAFARIS, SAMMY LEE and SON OF ADAM.

Leaves Covers