flower company single PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: flower company featuring the Fat Man
Album Title (titre de l'album): Did you love me from the start / Hey Joe (instrumental)
Version of Hey Joe: Hey Joe instrumental
Hendrix cover
Duration of Hey Joe: 2:29
Musical genre / Genre musical: Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 7"Single
Cat. Number (Référence): 2033
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré): 1967 (December)
®: released (paru): 1968
Country of interpreter: 60's Band from Mt. Morris, Michigan, USA
Members: (membres) Jay R. Overman (1949-2016): lead guitar and vocals
John Ujlaky: rhythm guitar and backing vocals
Don Beard: bass and backing vocals
Kelly “Gus” Sutton: drums
song Hey Joe is dedicated by mistake to Bryant Boudleaux

flower company a side

Sixties Performers