johnny pict in memoriam

in memoriam 1943 - 2017
On a tous quelque chose de Johnny et il sera toujours avec nous, en nous.
We all have something from Johnny (Hallyday) and he will always be with us, in us

johnny cd noir c'est noir PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE johnny hallyday born Jean-Philippe Smet
Album Title (titre de l'album) NOIR C'EST NOIR 1966-67
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:02
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Number (Référence): 512470-2
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1966
®: released (paru) 1993
Country of interpreter Performer from France
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Jimi Hendrix: Acoustic Guitar
Jimmy Johnson: Guitar
Tommy Godbill: Bass
Roger Hawkins: Drums
Spooner Oldham: Piano
King Curtis: Tenor Sax
Charlie Chalmers: Tenor Sax
Willie Bridge: Baryton Sax
Melvie Lastie: Cornet (Ear Trumpet?)
Website (official) :
Hey Joe 1966: Jimi Hendrix plays acoustic guitar

gbflag The end of a myth
Yazid Manou, press officer and Jimi Hendrix specialist, published an article in Juke Box Magazine (in French) and Jim Press in September 2018.
Yazid Manou drew my attention to these articles by email. Here is the English version published in Jim Press:
Hey Johnny! - No Jimi!
In the bonus material of the TV documentary Johnny Hallyday - La France Rock 'n' Roll, released on DVD 6 June 2018, Johnny, in his final filmed interview from LA in April 2017, confirmed (for the very first time) that Jimi didn’t play with him on the "Hey Joe" studio recording.
We all knew it but at last the late singer told the truth just a few months before his death. An end to that crazy story that began 25 years ago.
frflag la fin d'un mythe
Yazid Manou, attaché de presse et spécialiste de Jimi Hendrix, a publié un article dans Juke Box Magazine et dans Jim Press (en anglais) en septembre 2018. Yazid Manou a attiré mon attention sur ces articles par courriel. Je vous livre ici la version française parue dans juke Box Magazine:
Je viens de découvrir une information capitale sur un forum consacré à Johnny Hallyday à propos d’un documentaire diffusé sur France 2 en 2017, La France rock’n’roll. Cela concerne plus précisement les 30 minutes de bonus que I’on peut voir sur Youtube. Dans un entretien avec l'écrivain Daniel Rondeau (dernière interview filmée du chanteur), d'avril 2017 à Los Angeles, pour la première fois, Johnny (quelques mois avant sa disparition) oppose un démenti définitif sur la participation de Jimi Hendrix à l'enregistrement de son adaptation de « Hey Joe ». 25 ans plus tard, cela met un terme à toutes les rumeurs sur cette fameuse version publiée en 1993 (pour ses 50 ans) avec une info sciemment bidonnée par Universal. Merci Johnny. RIP

same version on following records and CD's: (and on lots of LP's and CD's) - more pictures of sleeves on:

johnny cd noir c'est noir dial PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) SAN FRANCISCO
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:02
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Label: DIAL
Cat. Nr / Référence: 900 064-2
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1967
®: released (paru): 1993
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar

johnny cd trésors interdits PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) TRESORS INTERDITS
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:48
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD not for sale / CD Hors-Commerce
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1967
®: released (paru): 2002
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar

Live at French TV show "Télé Dimanche" on June 11th, 1967 (11 juin 1967)

same version on: / même version sur:

johnny hallyday dvd bouton rouge front

album Title (titre de l'album) BOUTON ROUGE 1967-68
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:48
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1967
®: released (paru) 2007
Members: (membres)  
Hey Joe Live at French TV show "Télé Dimanche" on June 11th, 1967 (11 juin 1967) :

johnny_olympia67 PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) OLYMPIA 67
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:39
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: 510 121-2
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1967
®: released (paru): 1991
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
The Blackburds (pre Foreigner):
Micky Jones: Guitar
Tommy Brown: Drums / Batterie
Gérard "Papillon" Fournier: Bass / Basse
Raymond Donnez: Piano, Keyboards / Piano, Orgue
Jean Tosan: Sax, Harmonica
Gérard Pisani: Sax, Harmonica
Gilles Pellegrini: Trombone
Pierre Ploquin: Trombone
Jacques Ploquin: Trombone
Live at Olympia, Paris, France, from March 15 to April 16, 1967 (du 15 mars au 16 avril 1967)

Original LP (same sleeve) :PHILIPS # 844.833 BY, France, 1967

johnny bruxelles 67 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) BRUXELLES 67
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:05
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: RB 19102006
Mono / Stereo: mono
Origin of medium: ?
©: recorded (enregistré): 1967
®: released (paru): 2006

Live in Brussels, Belgium on September 13, 1967

johnny bruxelles 67 out

johnny cd  pds67 PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY (w/ the BLACKBURDS)
Album Title (titre de l'album) PALAIS DES SPORTS 67
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:40
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: 510 126-2
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1967
®: released (paru): 1991
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Micky Jones: Lead Guitar / Guitare solo, conductor orchestra
Tommy Brown: Drums / Batterie, direction orchestre
Gilles Pellegrini: Trumpet / Trompette :
Raymond Donnez: Piano, Organ / Piano, orgue
Gérard Pisani: Tenor Saxophone, flute
Luis Fuentes: Trombone :
Pierre Ploquin: Trompette, Trombone
Jacques Ploquin: Trumpet / Trompette :
Jean Tosan: Saxophones
Gérard "Papillon" Fournier: Bass / Guitare basse :
Sam Kelly: Bongos, percussions

Live at Musicorama of Europe 1 (show of French radio) at Palais des Sports in Paris, France
on November 14, 1967 (14 novembre 1967)
johnny cd pds67 new
New sleeve (picture from the concert of Palais des Sports 1967) CD Mercury, 2004

gb in 1967 Johnny Hallyday often replace in concert: "Le Vietnam, la bombe, tu t'en fous de tout ça"
with "Israel, la bombe, tu t'en fous de tout ça" (Vietnam, The (atomic) bomb, you don't care of all that)

fr En 1967 Johnny remplace souvent en concert: "Le Vietnam, la bombe, tu t'en fous de tout ça"
par "Israel, la bombe tu t'en fous de tout ça"

Album Title (titre de l'album) PALAIS DES SPORTS 1976
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:29
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: 510 154-2
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1976
®: released (paru): 1991
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Lead Vocals
Piano, Synthétiseur: Jean-Marc Deutere
Piano: Claude Arini
Lead Guitare: Jean-Pierre Azoulay
Steel Guitar, Rythm Guitare: Marc Bozonnet
Bass: Gérard Mondon
Drums: Alain Weiss
Trumpets: Geoffrey Reynolds, Pierre Ploquin, Guy Marco, Alfred Hovsepian
Trombones: Christian Guizien, Hamid Belhocine,
Marc Steckar, Christian Fourquet, Jean Costa
Saxophones: Jean-Louis Chautemps, Serge Roux,
Michel Gaucher
Percussion: Gilles Perrin
Tenor Sax , Flute, René Morizur
Barytone Sax: Mick Picard
Background Vocals / Choeurs : Jocelyne Lacaille,
Pierrette Bargoin, Claudia Alexandre, Jacques Ploquin,
Erick Bamy (1949-2014)

Live at Palais des Sports, Paris, France from 28 September to 30 october 1976
Album exists in 2 LP's - PHILIPS 6332 305-1 (same cover)

johnny sorgues 1978 front

Album Title (titre de l'album) SORGUES 1978
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:39
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 LP
Label: RB Records / PHILIPS
Cat. Nr / Référence: RB 14032015
Mono / Stereo: Mono
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1978
®: released (paru): 2015
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar

live in a tent (sous un Chapiteau) in Sorgues, France on February 21, 1978

johnny sorgues 1978 label a johnny sorgues 1978 label b johnny sorgues 1978 back
johnny sorgues 1978 label c johnny sorgues 1978 label d

johnny cd zenith 84 PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) ZENITH 1984
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:55
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 CD's
Cat. Nr / Référence: 510 367-2
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1984
®: released (paru): 1984
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Rocky, Mike Bazzani, Eric Boad: Guitars
Nick Muir: Keyboards
Jean-Louis Hennequin: Drums, Percussions, Keyboards
Jean Mora: Keyboards / Claviers
Doudou (Sono): Harmonica
Jean-Louis Mongin: Violin / Violon
Evrard, Llinares, Haudin, Pierre Louis: Horns / Cuivres
Fourquet, Courpet, Ramirez, Morizur: Backing Vocals

Live at Zénith, Paris, France from October 25, 1984 to February 23, 1985
(du 25 octobre 1984 au 23 février 1985)
album existe aussi en 2 LP: PHILIPS # 824 045, France, 1984


Album Title (titre de l'album) Fête de l'Humanité
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:12
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVDr
Label: -
Cat. Nr / Référence: Mono
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1985
®: released (paru): unreleased
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Live at Fête de l'Humanité, in La Courneuve (near Paris), France on September 15, 1985

johnny cd bercy92 PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) BERCY 92 (at Palais Omnisports de Paris Bercy)
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:51
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 CD's
Cat. Nr / Référence: 514400-2
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1992
®: released (paru): 1993
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Yves Sanna: Drums - Batterie
Jannick Top: Bass
Francois Constantin: Percussions
Norbert Krief: Guitar
Thibault Abrial: Guitar
Michel Ansellem: Keyboards - Claviers
Thierry Tamain: Keyboards - Claviers
Horns / Cuivres:
Jacques Bessot, Eric Giausserand, Alex Perdigon, Bruno Ribera and Serge Roux:
Backing Vocals:
Erick Bamy (1949-2014), Carolyn Jones, Zeita Massiah
and Mila Lumbroso

recorded live at POPB, in Paris, France (from September 15 to October 2nd, 1992)

johnny hallyday dvd bercy 1992 09 16 front

album Title (titre de l'album) BERCY 1992 LE 16 SEPTEMBRE
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:02
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: None
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1992
®: released (paru) 2007
members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Yves Sanna: Drums - Batterie
Jannick Top: Bass
Francois Constantin: Percussions
Norbert Krief: Guitar
Thibault Abrial: Guitar
Michel Ansellem: Keyboards - Claviers
Thierry Tamain: Keyboards - Claviers
Horns / Cuivres:
Jacques Bessot, Eric Giausserand, Alex Perdigon,
Bruno Ribera and Serge Roux:
Backing Vocals:
Erick Bamy (1949-2014), Carolyn Jones, Zeita Massiah and Mila Lumbroso

Live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 16, 1992

johnny hallyday dvd bercy 1992 09 18 front

album Title (titre de l'album) BERCY 1992 LE 18 SEPTEMBRE
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:44
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1992
®: released (paru) 2007

Live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 18, 1992

johnny hallyday dvd brussels 1992 12 17 front

album Title (titre de l'album) FOREST NATIONAL 1992
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:18
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1992
®: released (paru) 2007
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Yves Sanna: Drums - Batterie
Christian Padovan: Bass
Francois Constantin: Percussions
Norbert Krief: Guitar
Thibault Abrial: Guitar
Nick Harpen: Keyboards - Claviers
Thierry Tamain: Keyboards - Claviers
Horns / Cuivres:
Jacques Bessot, Eric Giausserand, Alex Perdigon,
Bruno Ribera, Serge Roux:
Backing Vocals - Choeurs
Erick Bamy (1949-2014), Carolyn Jones, Zeita Massiah, Mila Lumbroso:

Live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on December 17, 1992

johnny hallyday dvd lausanne 1992 12 19 front

album Title (titre de l'album) LAUSANNE 1992
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 7:01
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1992
®: released (paru) 2007
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Yves Sanna: Drums - Batterie
Christian Padovan: Bass
Francois Constantin: Percussions
Norbert Krief: Guitar
Thibault Abrial: Guitar
Michel Amsellem: Keyboards - Claviers
Thierry Tamain: Keyboards - Claviers
Horns / Cuivres:
Jacques Bessot, Eric Giausserand, Alex Perdigon,
Bruno Ribera, Serge Roux:
Backing Vocals - Choeurs
Erick Bamy (1949-2014), Carolyn Jones, Zeita Massiah, Mila Lumbroso:

Live at Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland on December 19,1992

johnny dvd pds93

Album Title (titre de l'album) PARC DES PRINCES 1993
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:16
Musical genre / Genre musical Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD - Edition anniversaire 2003
Cat. Nr / Référence: 077 160 9
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1993
®: released (paru): 1993
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Norbert "Nono" Krief: Guitar
Thibault Abrial: Guitar
Yves Sanna: Drums / Batterie
Christian Padovan: Bass / Basse
Jannick Top: Bass / Basse
Thierry Tamain: Keyboards / Claviers
Michel Amsellem: Keyboards / Claviers
François Constantin: Percussions
Horns / Cuivres:
Bruno Ribeira
Serge Roux
Jacques "Kako" Bessot
Eric Giausserand
Alex Perdigon

Live at Parc Des Princes in Paris, France from 18 to 20 June 1993
Hey Joe recorded on June 19, 1993 (19 juin 1993, date précise non indiquée sur le DVD)

same version on: / même version sur:

johnny hallyday dvd pdp 1993 06 19 front

album Title (titre de l'album) PARC DES PRINCES 1993
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:15
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1993
®: released (paru) 2007

Live at Parc Des Princes in Paris, France on June 19, 1993 (19 juin 1993)

johnny archives 3 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) JOHNNY ARCHIVES VOLUME 3
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:53
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: mono
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1993
®: released (paru): 2015

live Place du Champ de Foire in Sainte Geneviève des Bois, France on June 24, 1993

johnny archives 3 back

johnny hallyday dvd brussels 1993 06 25 front

album Title (titre de l'album) FOREST NATIONAL 1993
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:42
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1993
®: released (paru) 2007
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Norbert "Nono" Krief: Guitar
Thibault Abrial: Guitar
Yves Sanna: Drums / Batterie
Christian Padovan: Bass / Basse
Thierry Tamain: Keyboards / Claviers
Michel Amsellem: Keyboards / Claviers
François Constantin: Percussions
Horns / Cuivres:
Paul Louibéra*
Serge Roux
Jacques "Kako" Bessot
Eric Giausserand
Alex Perdigon
Eric Soussian
Backing Vocals:
Erick Bamy (1949-2014),Zeita Massiah,
Ayna Labbé, Millie Collecté*

*Pour les noms en rouge, je ne suis pas sur de l'orthographe
Live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on June 25, 1993 (25 juin 1993)

johnny nimes 11 aout 1993 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) NIMES 11 AOUT 1993
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 8:10
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: mono
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1993
®: released (paru): 2015

live at Arènes de Nîmes, in Nîmes, France on August 11, 1993

johnny hallyday dvd lyon 1994 10 21 front

album Title (titre de l'album) LYON 94 AU TRANSBORDER
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:44
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1994
®: released (paru) 2007
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Lead vocals, Guitar / Chant
Ian Wilson: Vocals, guitar
Robin Le Masurier: Guitar
Phil Palmer: Guitar
Ian Wallace: Drums / Batterie
Phil Soussan: Bass
James Prime: Keyboards / Claviers
Tim Moore: Keyboards / Claviers
Tanya Saint Val: Vocals

Live at Le Transborder in Lyon, France on October 21, 1994

same version on: / même version sur:

johnny hallyday dvd lyon 1994 10 21 alternate front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
album Title (titre de l'album) LYON 94 AU TRANSBORDER
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:44
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1994
®: released (paru) 2007

Live at Le Transborder in Lyon, France on October 21, 1994

johnny dvd cigale94

johnny cigale94enlarge
Album Title (titre de l'album) A LA CIGALE
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 8:13
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVD
Cat. Nr / Référence: 981 810-8
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1994
®: released (paru): 2004
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Ian Wilson: Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, Percussions
Phil Soussan: Bass
Ian Wallace: Drums
Robin Lemesurier: Guitar
Phil Palmer: Guitar
Jim Prime: Piano, Organ
Tim Moore: Keyboards

Live at La CIGALE, Paris, France, 29 and 30 october 1994 - Hey Joe recorded
on October 29, 1994
Hey Joe sung in duo with Ian Wilson (of Sad Cafe, English group)

johnny hallyday dvd brussels 1994 11 11 front

album Title (titre de l'album) LIVE A BRUXELLES
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 9:34
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1994
®: released (paru) 2007
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Ian Wilson: Vocals, Guitar
Phil Soussan: Bass
Ian wallace: Drums
Robin Lemesurier: Guitar
Phil Palmer: Guitar
Jim Prime: Piano, Organ
Tim Moore: Keyboards

Live at La Luna Theatre in Brussels (Bruxelles), Belgium on November 11, 1994
Hey Joe sung in duo with Ian Wilson (of Sad Cafe, English group)

hallyday duos interdits front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY with FOREIGNER
album Title (titre de l'album) DUOS INEDITS
Version of Hey Joe: Hendix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 7:21
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD (and Video Mpeg)
Label: Bootleg
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1994
®: released (paru) 1998
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Lou Gramm: Vocals
Mick Jones: Guitar
Bruce Turgon: Bass
Mark Schulman: Drums
website (video Taratata)

recorded live on October 26, 1994 in studios of "France 2", French channel.
Broadcast: TV show "Taratata" Nr 70, on December 23,1994

johnny les inédits front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY and Ian WILSON
Album Title (titre de l'album) LES INEDITS
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:17
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD and booklet
Label: CANAL PLUS (TV channel) - CLUB JOHNNY
Cat. Nr / Référence: ROAD MOVIES
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1995
®: released (paru): 1995
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Ian Wilson: Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, Mandolin, Percussions
Phil Soussan: Bass
Ian wallace: Drums
Robin Lemesurier: Guitar
Phil Palmer: Guitar
Jim Prime: Piano, Organ
Tim Moore: Keyboards

Live at Palm Beach Midem in Cannes, France on January 31, 1995 (31 janvier 1995)
Hey Joe sung in duo with Ian Wilson (of Sad Cafe, English group)

johnny les inédits labeljohnnycannesbetweenjohnny les inédits back

johnny les inédits tray

same version on: / même version sur:

johnny archives 10 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY and Ian WILSON
Album Title (titre de l'album) ARCHIVES 10
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 6:17
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: Bootleg
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1995
®: released (paru): 2015
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Ian Wilson: Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, Mandolin, Percussions
Phil Soussan: Bass
Ian wallace: Drums
Robin Lemesurier: Guitar
Phil Palmer: Guitar
Jim Prime: Piano, Organ
Tim Moore: Keyboards

Live at Palm Beach Midem in Cannes, France on January 31, 1995 (31 janvier 1995)
Hey Joe sung in duo with Ian Wilson (of Sad Cafe, English group)

johnny archives 10 back

johnny attention inédits front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY and Ian WILSON
Album Title (titre de l'album) ATTENTION INEDITS
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 8:03
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD (and video mpeg)
Label: Bootleg
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1995
®: released (paru): 1998
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Ian Wilson: Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica, Mandolin, Percussions
Phil Soussan: Bass
Ian wallace: Drums
Robin Lemesurier: Guitar
Phil Palmer: Guitar
Jim Prime: Piano, Organ
Tim Moore: Keyboards

Live in Antibes, France, on February 1st, 1995 (1er février 1995)
Hey Joe sung in duo with Ian Wilson (of Sad Cafe, English group)

johnny hallyday dvd zenith 1998 08 29 front

enlarge johnnyzenithrepet2
album Title (titre de l'album) ALLUMEZ LE FEU: TOUR 1998 - Rehearsal - Répétition
Version of Hey Joe: Hendix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:13 (full lenght / en entier)
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVD - recorded live by a fan
Label: -
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 1998
®: released (paru) Unreleased
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar / Chant
Robin Lemesurier: Guitar / Guitare
Brian Ray: Rhythm Guitar / Guitare Rythmique
Abraham Laboriel Jr : Drums / Batterie
Reggie Hamilton: Bass
Timothy J. Moore: Keyboards / Claviers
Thomas Canning: Piano, Keyboards / Claviers
Harry Kim : Trumpet / Trompette
Arturo Velasco : Trombone
Daniel Fornero : Trumpet / Trompette
Hermann Ray : Sax
Backing vocals / Choeurs:
Erick Bamy (1949-2014), Jessica Plessel; Angéline Annonier,
Johanna Ferdinand, Jessika Lesalle and Sophia Perrot

Hey Joe enregistré lors de la répétition du 29 aout 1998 au Zénith de Paris pour les membres du fan-club en avant-première du concert au Stade de France (où Johnny n'a pas chanté Hey Joe).

same version on: / même version sur:

johnny hallyday cdr que je t'aime zenith 1998 front

Album Title (titre de l'album) QUE JE T'AIME
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:05 (end cut)
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD-Rom with videos mpeg
Label: CINE LIVE Magazine Hors série / POLYGRAM Video
Cat. Nr / Référence: L 8952
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1998
®: released (paru): 1998

Hey Joe recorded on August 29, 1998 - Rehearsal at Le Zénith in Paris, France
Hey Joe enregistré lors de la répétition du 29 aout 1998 au Zénith de Paris

johnny hallyday dvdpds 2006 06 02 front

album Title (titre de l'album) FLASHBACK TOUR PALAIS DES SPORTS
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:06 (cut in the middle)
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 2006
®: released (paru) 2007
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Yvan Cassar: Claviers (Keyboards)
Alain Couture: Guitare acoustique et voix
Geoffrey Dugmore: Batterie (Drums)
Ray Hermann: Saxophone, harmonica et flûte
Réjean Lachance: Guitares
Robin Lemesurier: Guitare
Nicolas Montazaud: Percussions
Laurent Vernerey: Basse, contrebasse
Johanna Manchec: Choeurs (Backing vocals)
Amy Keys: Choeurs (Backing vocals)

Live au Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 02, 2006 (2 juin 2006)

johnny cd pds 2006 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) FLASHBACK TOUR - PALAIS DES SPORTS 2006
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:17
Musical genre / Genre musical Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 CD collector edition number 22610 of 35000
Cat. Nr / Référence: 5101155212
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2006
®: released (paru): 2006
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Yvan Cassar: Claviers (Keyboards)
Alain Couture: Guitare Acoustique et Voix (vocals)
Geoffrey Dugmore: Batterie (Drums)
Ray Hermann: Saxophone, Harmonica Et Flûte
Réjean Lachance: Guitares
Robin Lemesurier: Guitare
Nicolas Montazaud: Percussions
Laurent Vernerey: Basse, Contrebasse
Johanna Manchec: Choeurs (Backing Vocals)
Amy Keys: Choeurs (Backing Vocals)

recorded live at Palais des Sports, Paris, France on 14 and 15 June 2006 (Hey Joe on June 15, 2006)

same version on: / même version sur:

johnny cd pds 2006 integrale front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
album Title (titre de l'album) FLASHBACK TOUR L'INTEGRALE
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:17
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 3 CD's and 2 DVD's and booklet
Cat. Nr / Référence: 2564641462
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 2006
®: released (paru) 2006
recorded live on 14 and 15 June 2006 - Hey joe recorded on June 15, 2006 (15 juin 2006)

johnny video popb2006 PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) FLASHBACK TOUR
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:30
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): VIDEO TAPE - From TF1 (French TV channel)
Cat. Nr / Référence:  
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2006
®: released (paru): unreleased
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Yvan Cassar: Claviers (Keyboards)
Alain Couture: Guitare Acoustique et Voix (vocals)
Geoffrey Dugmore: Batterie (Drums)
Ray Hermann: Saxophone, Harmonica Et Flûte
Réjean Lachance: Guitares
Robin Lemesurier: Guitare
Nicolas Montazaud: Percussions
Laurent Vernerey: Basse, Contrebasse
Johanna Manchec: Choeurs (Backing Vocals)
Amy Keys: Choeurs (Backing Vocals)

Live at POPB (Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy), Paris, France on 30 September 2006

johnny dvd cigale2006

Album Title (titre de l'album) LA CIGALE
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:47
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVD
Cat. Nr / Référence: 25646 98980 5
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2006
®: released (paru): 2007
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Yvan Cassar: Claviers
Alain Couture: Guitare Acoustique Et Voix
Geoffrey Dugmore: Batterie
George Philip Shelby: Saxophone, Harmonica Et Flûte
Réjean Lachance: Guitares, Dobro
Robin Lemesurier: Guitare
Nicolas Montazaud: Percussions
Laurent Vernerey: Basse, Contrebasse
Johanna Manchec: Choeurs
Amy Keys: Choeurs

live at La Cigale in Paris, France, 12,13, 15 and 16 December 2006
Hey Joe recorded on December 16, 2006

johnny hallyday dvd montpellier 2007 01 16 front

album Title (titre de l'album) FLASHBACK TOUR MONTPELLIER
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:09
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 2007
®: released (paru) 2007
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Robin Lemesurier: Guitars / Guitares
Réjean Lachance: Guitars / Guitares
Alain Couture: Acoustic guitar / Guitare accoustique
Laurent Vernerey: Bass
Yvan Cassar: Keyboards / Claviers et piano
Percussions : Sydney Thiam
Georges Philip Shelby: Sax
Geoffrey Dugmore: Drums / Batterie
Amy Keys, Johanna Manchec: Backing vocals / Choeurs

Live at Le Zénith in Montpellier, France on January 16, 2007

johnny hallyday dvd st etienne 2009 05 09 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
album Title (titre de l'album) TOUR 66 - STADE DE FRANCE 2009
Version of Hey Joe: Hendix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:55
Musical genre / Genre musical Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): Edition 3 CD with bonus (but without booklet / mais sans livret)
Cat. Nr / Référence: 5051865569350
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 2009
®: released (paru) 2009
Members: (membres) Philippe Uminski: Direction musicale et arrangements
Robin Lemesurier : Guitares
Clint Walsh : Guitares
Laurent Vernerey : Basses
Maxime Garoute : Batteries / Drums
Yohan Dalgaard : B-3/ Claviers / Keyboards
Brad Cole : Piano
Greg Zlap : Harmonica
Nayanna Holley : Choriste / Backing vocals
Amy Keys : Choriste / Backing vocals
Alain Couture : Choriste / Backing vocals
Harry Kim : Trompettes
Arturo Velasco : Trombones
George Shelby : Saxophone Tenor
Ernie Fields Jr : Saxophone Baryton

CD 3 bonus: 7 titres live inédits enregistrés au Zénith de Saint-Etienne et au
Forest National de Bruxelles en mai 2009:
Je suis né dans la rue (2:23) - Fils de personne (2:04) - Elle est terrible (2:00)
Dégage (3:03) - J'ai oublié de vivre (5:01) - Hey Joe (4:55) - Je m'arrête là (4:57)
Hey Joe live at the Zénith in Saint Etienne, France on May 9, 2009
(9 mai 2009, date précise non indiquée sur le DVD)

same version on: / même version sur:

johnny 3 cd saint etienne front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
album Title (titre de l'album) TOUR 66 STADE DE France 2009
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:55
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): Edition Luxe 3 CD with booklet
Cat. Nr / Référence: 5051865569350
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 2009
®: released (paru) 2009

CD 3 bonus: 7 titres live inédits enregistrés au Zénith de Saint-Etienne et au Forest National de Bruxelles en mai 2009: Je suis né dans la rue (2:23) - Fils de personne (2:04) - Elle est terrible (2:00) Dégage (3:03) - J'ai oublié de vivre (5:01) - Hey Joe (4:55) - Je m'arrête là (4:57)
Hey Joe live at the Zénith in Saint Etienne, France on May 9, 2009
(9 mai 2009, date précise non indiquée sur le DVD)

johnny hallyday dvd st etienne 2009 05 09 front 3

album Title (titre de l'album) HALLYDAY TOUR - ST ETIENNE
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:26
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 DVD
Label: Dominique - Fan Club
Cat. Nr / Référence: none
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 2009
®: released (paru) 2009
Members: (membres) Philippe Uminski: Direction musicale et arrangements
Robin Lemesurier : Guitares
Clint Walsh : Guitares
Laurent Vernerey : Basses
Maxime Garoute : Batteries / Drums
Yohan Dalgaard : B-3/ Claviers / Keyboards
Brad Cole : Piano
Greg Zlap : Harmonica
Nayanna Holley : Choriste / Backing vocals
Amy Keys : Choriste / Backing vocals
Alain Couture : Choriste / Backing vocals
Harry Kim : Trompettes
Arturo Velasco : Trombones
George Shelby : Saxophone Tenor
Ernie Fields Jr : Saxophone Baryton

Live at the Zénith in Saint Etienne, France on May 9, 2009

johnny hallyday et mathieu chedid a taratata
Picture from the video
album Title (titre de l'album) TARATATA 383 - SPECIAL JOHNNY
Version of Hey Joe: Hendix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:06
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): mp3 / MP4
Cat. Nr / Référence:  
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 2011
®: released (paru) unreleased
Members: (membres) Johnny Hallyday: Vocals, Guitar
Mathieu "M" Chedid: Guitar, Vocals
GUSH are:
Xavier Polycarpe: Backing vocals
Vincent Polycarpe: Drums
Mathieu Parnaud: Backing vocals
Yan Gorodetzky
Maxim Nucci : Guitar

Live at French TV show "taratata"Nr 383, on May 03, 2011

johnny new york 7-10-2012 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) NEW YORK 7-10-2012
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:50
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2012
®: released (paru): 2015

live at Beacon Theatre in New York City, New York, USA on October 7, 2012

johnny hallyday cd on stage front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny Hallyday
album Title (titre de l'album) ON STAGE
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:35
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 3CD boxset
Cat. Nr / Référence: 2 564 844 838
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré) 2012
®: released (paru) 2013
Hey Joe live at Salle Galaxie in Amneville, France on November 29, 2012
Yarol Poupaud: Direction musicale et arrangements
Johnny Hallyday: Chant, Guitars / Lead vocals, Guitars
Geoff Dugmore : Batterie,Percussions / Drums
Fred Jimenez : Basse / Bass
Robin Lemesurier : Guitare
Yarol Poupaud: Guitare, Mandoline / Guitar, Mandolin
Greg "Zlap" Szlapczynski : Harmonica
Alain Lanty: Piano, Claviers / Piano, Keys
Frédéric Scamps: Orgue / Organ
Amy Keys : Choriste / Backing vocals
Nayanna Holley : Choriste / Backing vocals
Carmel Helene Gaddis: Choriste / Backing vocals
Harry Kim : Trompette / Trompet
Charlie Petterson: Saxophone baryton, Trompette / Baritone sax, Trompet
George Shelby : Saxophones Alto et Ténor / Alto and Tenor sax
Andrew Lippman : Trombones
Harry Kim: Arrangements des cuivres / Arrangements for Horns section
Chef d'orchestre : Yvan Casser
Violon solo : Eric Lacrouts
Violons : Arnaud Nuvolone, Ludovic Balla, Nicolas Vaslier, Philippe Morel, David Naulin, Arme Gravoin, Stéphane Rulliere, Jérôme Merlet, Jacques Gandard, Doriane Gable. Caroline Lartigaud, Nadine Collon, Pauline Vernet, Marie-Hélène Clausse, Paul Rouger, Marianne Lagarde, Noel Barbereau, Agnès Lamacque, Young-Eun Koo, Christophe Bruckert,Romain Senac
Alti : Emmanuel Blanc, Jean-Michel Lenert, Jonathan Nazet, Nathalie Carlucci, Paul Radais, Laurence Tricarri, Frédéric Pallas, Fanny Coupe, Noélle Santos.
Violoncelles : Jean-Philippe Audin, Philippe Nadal, Valérie Robert. Pierre François Dufour, Emmanuel Petit, Mathilde Sternat, Miwa Rosso.
Contrebasses : Sylvain Leprovost, Marthe Moinet, Maria Chirokoliyska, Michel Robache, Lola Daures.
Flûte solo : Catherine Cantin
Flûte : Frédérique Saumon
Hautbois solo : Pascal Saumon
Hautbois : Chistophe Grindel
Clarinette solo : Bruno Martinez
Clarinette : Cindy Descamps
Basson solo : Jean-François Duquesnoy
Basson : Sébastien Wache
Cor solo : Jean-Michel Tavernier
Cors : Vladimir Dubois, Misha Cliquennois, Pierre Turpin, Philippe Dalmasso,
Lionel Surin
Trompette solo : Laurent Malet
Trompette : Nicolas Pardo, Pascal Clarhaut
Trombone solo : Daniel Breszynski
Trombone : Nicolas Vallade
Trombone basse solo : Olivier Devaure
Tuba solo : Laurent Peziere
Percussions solo : Nicolas Montazaud
Régie Orchestre : Jean-Michel Tavernier

johnny hallyday cd on stage sleeve out

johnny hallyday marseille 22-12-2012 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) JOHNNY HALLYDAY (22-12-2012 LA DERNIERE)
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:37
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2012
®: released (paru): 2015

live at Le Dôme in Marseille, France on December 22, 2012

johnny theatre du trianon front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) THEATRE DU TRIANON
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:39
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2013
®: released (paru): 2015

live at Théatre Le Trianon in Paris, France on December 15, 2013

johnny boston 10 mai 2014 front

Album Title (titre de l'album) BOSTON 10 MAI 2014
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:31
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): DVD
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2014
®: released (paru): 2015

live at Berklee Performance Center in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on May 10, 2014

johnny new orleans 13 mai 2014 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) USA TOUR NEW ORLEANS
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:58
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2014
®: released (paru): 2015

live at House Of Blues in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA on May 13, 2014

johnny dallas 15 mai 2014 front PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) USA TOUR DALLAS 15 Mai 2014
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:38
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 2 CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2014
®: released (paru): 2015

live at House Of Blues in Dallas, Texas, USA on May 15, 2014

johnny haguenau 7 juillet 2016 front

Album Title (titre de l'album) JOHNNY A HAGUENAU 07 JUILLET 2016
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 4:34
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Label: not on label
Cat. Nr / Référence: -
Mono / Stereo: stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 2016
®: released (paru): 2016

live at Espace Vieille Ile in Hagueneau, France on July 7, 2016

johnny cd karaoke PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: Johnny HALLYDAY
Album Title (titre de l'album) KARAOKE
Version of Hey Joe: 2 versions of Hey Joe - Hendrix cover
1 - Vocal version
2 - Instrumental version
in French
Duration of Hey Joe: 5:10
Musical genre / Genre musical Blues, Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: 527 049-2
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: France
©: recorded (enregistré): 1989
®: released (paru): 1994
Members: (membres) ?

gb Below, 180 live versions are listed. Those in red ink are already listed with pictures above. all the others are unpublished.
I thank very much Dominique (Johnny's French fan) who sent me live versions in wav and mp3 formats.

fr ci-dessous, 180 versions live sont listées. Celles en rouge sont déjà listées ci-dessus avec images. Toutes les autres sont inédites.
Je remercie Dominique, fan de Johnny qui m'a envoyé des versions "live" en formats wav et mp3.


1967-03-15 to 1967-04-16 - live at Olympia, Paris, France, from March 15 to April 16, 1967 - Hey Joe: 3:45
1967-06-11 - live at French TV show "Télé Dimanche" on June 11th, 1967 - Hey Joe: 3:48
1967-07-12 - live In Divonne Les Bains, France on July 12, 1967 - Hey Joe: 3:40
1967-09-12 - live at Festival de Châtelet in Charleroi, Belgium on September 12, 1967 - Hey Joe: 4:00
1967-09-13 - live in Brussels, Belgium on September 13, 1967 - Hey Joe: 4:05
1967-09-28 to 1967-10-30 - Live at Palais des Sports, Paris, France from 28 September to 30 october 1976 - Hey Joe: 4:29
1967-11-14 - live at Musicorama of Europe 1 (show of French radio) at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on November 14, 1967 - Hey Joe: 3:39
1967-11-25 - live in Chateauroux, France on November 25, 1967 - Hey Joe: 3:02


1976-09-18 - live in Dijon, France on September 18, 1976 - Hey Joe: 5:04
1976-10-02 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on October 2, 1976 - Hey Joe: 4:37
1976-10-30 - live at Palais des Sports, Paris, France from 28 September to 30 october 1976 - Hey Joe: 4:29
1976-10-31 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on October 31, 1976 - Hey Joe: 4:18
1976-12-01 - live in Nantes, France on December 1st, 1976 - Hey Joe: 4:21
1976-12-12 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on December 12, 1976 - Hey Joe: 4:30


1977-07-13 - live at Patinoire des Vernets in Geneva, Switzerland on July 13, 1977 - Hey Joe: 3:56


1978-01-20 - live in Persant Beaumont, France (Chapiteau) on January 20, 1978 - Hey Joe: 4:44
1978-01-27 - live in Beauvais, France on January 27, 1978 - Hey Joe: 4:05
1978-01-30 - live at Palais des Sports in Orléans, France on January 30, 1978 - Hey Joe: 4:23
1978-02-21 - live in a tent (sous un Chapiteau) in Sorgues, France on February 21, 1978 - Hey Joe: 3:39
1978-03-05 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on March 5, 1978 - Hey Joe: 4:25
1978-05-18 - live in Creil, France on May 18, 1978 - Hey Joe: 4:30
1978-05-22 - live in Habsheim, France on May 22, 1978 - Hey Joe: 3:42
1978-07-02 - live in Chateauroux, France on July 2, 1978 - Hey Joe: 3:36


1984-10-25 to 1985-02-23 - Live at Zénith, Paris, France from October 25, 1984 to February 23, 1985 - Hey Joe: 5:55
1984-10-26 - live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on October 26, 1984 - Hey Joe: 9:00
1984-10-27 - live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on October 27, 1984 - Hey Joe: 5:14
1984-10-31 - live at Zénith in Paris, France on October 31, 1984 - Hey Joe: 6:28
1984-11-16 - live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on November 16, 1984 - Hey Joe: 5:13
1984-12-23 - Live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on December 23, 1984 - Hey Joe: 5:54


1985-01-08 - live at Zénith in Paris, France on January 8, 1985 - Hey Joe: 7:17
1985-01-31 - live at Zénith in Paris, France on January 31, 1985 - Hey Joe: 6:28
1985-02-01 - live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on February 1, 1985 - Hey Joe: 6:41
1985-02-02 - live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on February 2, 1985 - Hey Joe: 5:30
1985-02-23 - live at Zénith, Paris, France from October 25, 1984 to February 23, 1985 - Hey Joe: 5:55
1985-03-14 - live at Foire Commerciale in Lille, France on March 14, 1985 - Hey Joe: 7:26
1985-03-23 - live at Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland on March 23, 1985 - Hey Joe: 6:57
1985-03-26 - live in Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry (Chapiteau), France on March 26, 1985 - Hey Joe: 7:33
1985-04-01 - live at Printemps de Bourges in Bourges, France on April 1, 1985 - Hey Joe: 7:08
1985-04-02 - live at Printemps de Bourges in Bourges, France on April 2, 1985 - Hey Joe: 7:22
1985-09-13 - live in Neuchâtel-en-Bray, France on September 13, 1985 - Hey Joe: 6:48
1985-09-15 - live at Fête de l'Humanité, in La Courneuve (near Paris), France on September 15, 1985 - Hey Joe: 8:12


1992-09 -? - Rehearsals / Répétitions: live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France in September 1992 - Hey Joe: 7:35
1992-09-14 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 14, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:31
1992-09-15 to 1992-10-02 - live at POPB, in Paris, France (from September 15 to October 2nd, 1992) - Hey Joe: 5:51
1992-09-15 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 15, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:38
1992-09-16 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 16, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:02
1992-09-18 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 18, 1992 - Hey Joe: 5:44

1992-09-23 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 23, 1992 - Hey Joe: 5:32
1992-09-30 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 30, 1992 - Hey Joe: 5:49
1992-10-04 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on October 4, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:10
1992-10-17 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on October 17, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:10
1992-10-27 - live Place Pierre Renet (chapiteau) in Vesoul, France on October 27, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:05
1992-10-29 - live at Patinoire du Littoral in Neuchâtel, Switzerland on October 29, 1992 - Hey Joe: 5:57
1992-10-30 - live at Salle Galaxie in Amneville, France on October 30, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:10
1992-11-08 - live at Parking of hypermarket Carrefour (chapiteau) in Villiers-en-Bière, France on November 8, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:04
1992-12-17 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on December 17, 1992 - Hey Joe: 6:18
1992-12-19 - live at Palais de Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland on December 19,1992 - Hey Joe: 7:01


1993-06-18 - live at Parc Des Princes in Paris, France on June 18, 1993 - Hey Joe: 6:14
1993-06-19 - live at Parc Des Princes in Paris, France on June 19, 1993 - Hey Joe: 6:16
1993-06-20 - live at Parc Des Princes in Paris, France on June 20, 1993 - Hey Joe: 6:27
1993-06-24 - live at Place du Champ de Foire in Sainte Geneviève des Bois, France on June 24, 1993 - Hey Joe: 5:53
1993-06-25 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on June 25, 1993 - Hey Joe: 6:42
1993-06-26 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on June 26, 1993 - Hey Joe: 7:23
1993-06-28 - live at Palais des Sports in Toulouse, France on June 28, 1993 - duo with Erick Bamy - Hey Joe: 6:56
1993-07-01 - live at Stade in Annecy, France on July 1, 1993 - Hey Joe: 6:57
1993-07-10 - live at Amphithéatre du Zénith in Nancy, France on July 10, 1993 - Hey Joe: 8:28
1993-07-14 - live at Chorus Espace Evènementiel in vannes, France on July 14, 1993 - Hey Joe: 9:06
1993-07-15 - live at Francofolies in La Rochelle, France on July 15, 1993 - Hey Joe: 8:09
1993-07-17 - live at Théâtre Romain de Fourvière in Lyon, France on July 17, 1993 - Hey Joe: 8:10
1993-07-18 - live at Théâtre Romain de Fourvière in Lyon, France on July 18, 1993 - Hey Joe: 8:54
i 1993-08-11 - live at Arènes in Nimes, France on August 11, 1993 - Hey Joe: 8:10
1993-08-14 - live at Esplanade Zénith Oméga in Toulon, France on August 14, 1993 - Hey Joe: 8:05
1993-09-12 - live in Saint Amand-Montrond, France on September 12, 1993 - Hey Joe: 9:36
1993-09-13 - live at Place Deschaseaux in Le Havre, France on September 13, 1993 - Hey Joe: 7:51


1994-10-13 - Rehearsals / Répétitions: live at La Cigale in Paris, France on October 13, 1994 - (duet with Ian Wilson, of Sad Cafe) - Hey Joe in English - Hey Joe: 6:04
1994-10-19 - live at Esplanade Zénith Oméga in Toulon, France on October 19, 1994 - duet with Ian Wilson - Hey Joe in English - Hey Joe: 7:49
1994-10-21 - live at Le Transborder in Lyon, France on October 21, 1994 - Hey Joe: 4:44
1994-10-29 - live at La Cigale in Paris, France on October 29, 1994 - Hey Joe in English 8:13 duet with Ian Wilson of Sad Cafe, English group

1994-11-04 - live at Albïsguette in Zürich, Switzerland on November 4, 1994 - duet with Ian Wilson - Hey Joe in English - Hey Joe: 8:39
1994-11-07 - live at Le Paradisio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on November 7, 1994 - duet with Ian Wilson - Hey Joe in English - Hey Joe: 8:45
1994-11-10 - live at Alte Oper Salle Mozart in Frankfurt, Germany on November 10, 1994 - duet with Ian Wilson - Hey Joe in English - Hey Joe: 8:25
i 1994-11-11 - live at La Luna Theatre in Brussels (Brussels), Belgium on November 11, 1994 - Hey Joe sung in English: 9:34 (duet with Ian Wilson)
i 1994-12-23 - live on October 26, 1994 in studios of "France 2", French channel. Broadcast: TV show "Taratata" Nr 70, on December 23,1994 - Hey Joe: 7:21


1995-01-31 - live at Palm Beach Midem in Cannes, France on January 31, 1995 - Hey Joe sung in English: 6:17 (duet with Ian Wilson)
1995-02-01 - live in Antibes, France, on February 1st, 1995 (1er février 1995) - Hey Joe sung in in English: 8:03 (duet with Ian Wilson)


1998-08-29 - rehearsals / répétition at Zénith de Paris, France on August 29, 1998, for the members of Johnny's fan-club - Hey Joe: 5:13
1998-08-30 - ALLUMEZ LE FEU: TOUR 1998 - at Le Zénith in Paris on August 30, 1998 - Hey Joe: 6:26


i2006-06-02 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France La Première on June 2, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:37
2006-06-03 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 03, 2006 - Hey Joe: 6:16
2006-06-06 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 06, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:08
2006-06-07 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 07, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:43
2006-06-09 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 09, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:34
2006-06-10 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 10, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:40
2006-06-14 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 14, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:25
2006-06-15 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 15, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:17
2006-06-18 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 18, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:16
2006-06-21 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 21, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:45
2006-06-24 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 24, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:18
2006-06-25 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 25, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:31
2006-06-30 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on June 30, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:33
2006-07-01 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on July 1, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:57
2006-07-03 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on July 3, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:15
2006-07-04 - live at Palais des Sports in Paris, France on July 4, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:44
2006-07-16 - live at Stade Vélodrome in Marseille France on July 16, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:40
2006-07-18 - live at Stade Municipal in Saint Martin de Seignaux, France on July 18, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:15
2006-09-22 - live at Parc Gayant in Douai, France on September 22, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:03
2006-09-23 - live at Parc Gayant in Douai, France on September 23, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:14
2006-09-25 - live at Zénith in Rouen, France on September 25, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:42
2006-09-26 - live at Le Zénith in Rouen, France on September 26, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:26
2006-09-29 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on September 29, 2006 - Hey Joe: 6:03
2006-09-30 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on 30 september 2006 - From TF1 (French TV) - Hey Joe: 5:30
2006-10-01 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on October 1, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:09
2006-10-04 - live at Le Zénith in Dijon, France on October 4, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:28
2006-10-05 - live at Le Zénith in Dijon, France on October 5, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:22
2006-10-07 - live at Arena in Geneva, Switzerland on October 7, 2010, 2012 - Hey Joe: 5:44
2006-10-16 - live at Zénith in Clermont Ferrand, France on October 16, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:33
2006-10-21 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on October 21, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:04
2006-10-25 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on October 25, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:48
2006-10-27 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on October 27, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:37
2006-10-31 - live at Le Zénith in Caen, France on October 31, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:17
2006-11-09 - live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on November 9, 2006 - Hey Joe: 6:10
2006-11-10 - live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on November 10, 2006 - Hey Joe: 6:03
2006-11-11 - live at Le Zénith in Paris, France on November 11, 2006 - Hey Joe: 6:26
2006-11-17 - live at Parc Penfeld in Brest, France on November 17, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:47
2006-11-20 - live at Patinoire Mériadec in Bordeaux, France on November 20, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:46
2006-12-04 - live at Olympia in Paris, France on December 4, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:59
2006-12-08 - live at Olympia in Paris, France on December 8, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:03
2006-12-09 - live at Olympia in Paris, France on December 9, 2006 - Hey Joe: 5:04
2006-12-12 - live at La Cigale in Paris, France on December 12, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:37
2006-12-16 - live at La Cigale in Paris, France, on December 16, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:47
2006-12-17 - live at la Cigale in Paris, France on December 17, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:55


2007-01-16 - live at Le Zénith in Montpellier, France on January 16, 2007 - Hey Joe: 5:19
2007-01-17 - live at Le Zénith in Montpellier, France on January 17, 2007 - Hey Joe: 4:55
2007-01-22 - live at Le Dôme in Marseille, France on January 22, 2007 - Hey Joe: 5:00
2007-02-05 - live at Grand Hall Parc des Expositions in Tours, France on February 5, 2007 - Hey Joe: 5:00
2007-02-08 - live at Le Zénith in Nancy, France on February 8, 2007 - Hey Joe: 5:48
2007-02-11 - live at Zénith in Dijon , France on February 8, 2006 - Hey Joe: 4:49
2007-02-13 - live at Palais Omnisports Paris Bercy (POPB) in Paris, France on February 13, 2007 - Hey Joe: 6:39
2007-02-16 - live at Le Millesium in Epernay, France on February 16, 2007 - Hey Joe: 4:47
2007-02-17 - live at Le Zénith in Rouen, France on February 17, 2007 - Hey Joe: 5:47
2007-02-19 - live at Zénith Aréna in Lille on February 19, 2007 - Hey Joe: 5:50
2007-02-27 - live at Forum in Freiburg, Switzerland on February 27, 2007 - Hey Joe: 5:29


2009-05-08 - live at Le Zénith in Saint-Etienne, France on May 9, 2009 - Hey Joe: 5:05
2009-05-09 - live at the Zénith in Saint Etienne, France on May 9, 2009 - Hey Joe: 4:55
2009-05-10 - live at Le Zénith in Saint-Etienne, France on on May 10, 2009 - Hey Joe: 5:10
2009-05-12 - live in Saint Etienne, France on May 12, 2009 - Hey Joe: 6:05


2011-05-03 - live at French TV show "taratata"Nr 383, on May 03, 2011 - duet with Mathieu Chédid - Hey Joe: 4:06


2012-04-24 - live at Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA on April 24, 2012 - Hey Joe: 6:25
2012-10-07 - live at Beacon Theatre in New York City, New York, USA on october 7, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:50
2012-10-11 - live at Millésium in Epernay, France on October 11, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:14
2012-10-13 - live at Zénith in Amiens, France on October 13, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:50
2012-10-15 - live at Royal Albert Hall in London, England on October 15, 2012 - Hey Joe: 5:18
2012-10-16 - live at Royal Albert Hall in London, England on October 16, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:34
2012-10-21 - live at Zénith Arena in Lille, France on October 21, 2012 - Hey Joe: 5:25
2012-10-23 - live at Le Zénith in Orleans, France on October 23, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:57
2012-10-27 - live at Kremlin Concert Hall in Moscow, Russia on October 27 - Hey Joe: 4:22
2012-10-30 - live at Nokia Arena in Tel Aviv, Israel on October 30, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:29
2012-11-03 - live at Forest National in Brussels, Belgium on November 3, 2012 - Hey Joe: 5:16
2012-11-06 - live at Zénith in Amiens, France on November 6, 2012 - Hey Joe: 5:18
2012-11-17 - live at Penfeld in Brest, France on November 17, 2012 - Hey Joe: 5:00
2012-11-20 - live at Zénith in Dijon , France on November 20, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:37
2012-11-24 - live at Le Zénith in Caen, France on Novembre 24, 2012 - Hey Joe: 3:46
2012-11-27 - live at Le Zénith in Strasbourg, France on November 27, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:13
2012-11-29 - live at Salle Galaxie in Amneville, France on November 29, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:35
2012-12-03 - live at Arena in Geneve, Switzerland on December 3, 2012 - Hey Joe: 3:17
2012-12-11 - live at Le Zénith in Toulouse, France on December 11, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:43
2012-12-15 - live at Le Zénith in Pau, France on December 15, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:10
2012-12-18 - live at Palais des Sports in Grenoble, France on December 18, 2012 - Hey Joe: 4:07
2012-12-20 - live at Halle Tony Garnier in Lyon, France on December 20, 2012 - Hey Joe: 5:08
2012-12-22 - Live at Le Dôme in Marseille, France on December 22, 2012 - Hey Joe: 5:37


2013-06-02 - live at Patinoire (ice rink) Mériadek in Bordeaux, France on June 2, 2013 - Hey Joe: 4:42
2013-06-06 - live at Zénith in Dijon , France on June 6, 2013 - Hey Joe: 4:59
2013-06-08 - live at Espace Gayant in Douai, France on June 8, 2013 - Hey Joe: 4:57
2013-12-15 - live at Théatre Le Trianon in Paris, France on December 15, 2013 - Hey Joe: 5:39


2014-05-10 - live at Berklee Performance Center in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on May 10, 2014 - Hey Joe: 4:31
2014-05-13 - live at House Of Blues in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA on May 13, 2014 - Hey Joe: 4:58
2014-05-15 - live at House Of Blues in Dallas, Texas, USA on May 15, 2014 - Hey Joe: 4:38


2016-07-03 - live at Parc des Expositions in Tours, France on July 3, 2016 ( American Tours Festival) - Hey Joe: 4:24
2016-07-07 - live at Espace Vieille Ile in Hagueneau, France on July 7, 2016 - Hey Joe: 4:34
2016-07-17- live at Arènes de Nimes in Nimes, France on july 17, 2016 - Hey Joe: 4;40
2016-10-27 - live at Zénith d'Auvergne in Cournon, France on October 27, 2016 - Hey Joe: 3:33

johnny partition Johnny Hallyday - Hey Joe - 1967 (B. Roberts / G. Thibault)
Lyrics / Paroles

Hey Joe
Vient dire bonjour
T'en mourras pas
Moi j'rentre à l'heure qu'il m'plait
J'ai même plus de montre
J'ai tout mon temps
Ce qui m'attend chez moi,
Je le sais
Rien qu'un lit froid
Sans personne dedans

Hey Joe
Si on parlait, hein
Mais de quoi ?
Hey Joe
Le Vietnam, la bombe
Tu t'en fous de tout ça
Comme tu dis, la vie
C'est le métro à six heures
Et chacun pour soi
Mais pour toi Joe,
Y a toujours une place
Mais pas pour moi,
Pourquoi ?

Hey Hey Joe
Pourquoi t'as de la chance plein les doigts ?
Hey, Hey Joe
En naissant t'as marché dans quoi ?
T'as toujours les poches pleines
La voiture de l'année
Dis donc, ma parole, on en oublie
Que t'es si laid
Moi Joe, tu vois, je n'ai plus rien
Je pensais avoir une fille
Bien à moi
Mais il paraît Joe
Qu'elle dort maintenant entre tes draps, bravo!

Tu vois Joe
Hier je rêvais d'avoir ta peau
Mais Joe
Je préfère te voir souffrir
Et de cette fille, je t'en fais cadeau
Allez bonne chance Joe…

johnny hallyday cd on stage sleeve in pict
picture from the CD On Stage - Copyright © Renaud Corlouër

Hendrix Covers