wages of sin sleeve single PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: The WAGES OF SIN
Album Title (titre de l'album): Hey Joe b/w N.S.U.
Version of Hey Joe: Hendrix cover in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 3:59
Musical genre / Genre musical: Pop, Rock
Medium (Support): 7" single
Cat. Number (Référence): SCH 6
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: Germany
©: recorded (enregistré): 1967
®: released (paru): 1967
Country of interpreter: Band from Birmingham, Great Britain
Members: (membres) Ed Pilling: vocals
Brian Pilling: guitar, vocals
Mick Hopkins: guitar, vocals
Tony Clarkson: bass, vocals
Jimmy Skidmore: drums
Website: http://www.marmalade-skies.co.uk/wagesofsin.htm

wages of sin aside hey joe wagesofsinbetween wages of sin bside NSU

wages of sin picture
Wages of Sin - above pictures © http://www.marmalade-skies.co.uk/wagesofsin.htm

gbflag My Croatian friend Slavko Mustapić sent me the following pictures in better quality. I thank Him very much.
frflag Mon ami croate Slavko Mustapić m'a envoyé les images suivantes en meilleure qualité. Je le remercie beaucoup.

wages of sin single side hey joewagesofsinslavkobetweenwages of sin single side nsu

Sixties Performers