mystic groovies picture
picture copyright © Mystic Groovies
PERFORMER / INTERPRÈTE: mystic groovies
Album Title (titre de l'album): unreleased
Version of Hey Joe: 2 versions - Leaves cover
Hey Joe at No Bar Grill*
Hey joe at Loco's*
in English
Duration of Hey Joe: Hey Joe at no Bar* 3:02
Hey Joe at Loco's** 3:04
Musical genre / Genre musical: 60's garage
Medium (Support): mp3
Cat. Number (Référence):
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré): 80's or 90's
®: released (paru):
Country of interpreter: Band from Muncie, Indiana, USA
Members: (membres) Al Drane: Bass, Vocals
Greg Moran: Guitar, Vocals
Mark Patrick: Keyboards, Vocals
Jon Rans: Percussion, Vocals
Scott Hall replaced Greg on guitar and vocals
for the last year the band was together

*Live at No Bar and Grill, in Muncie, Indiana
** Loco's: Loco Bar & Grill (Tex-Mex restaurant)
(downloaded: at Loco's in 2004 and no Bar in 2012)

On its website, Mystic Groovies write: The Mystic Groovies were a band from 1989 -1996 but in (broken link, now)
I can read that Mystic Groovies played at No Bar in Fall 1987 and Spring 1988 (first August 26, 1987)
For further information, I emailed to Mark, Jon and Greg (November 2012) but I received "I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients"

Leaves Covers