niela miller lp song of leaving front

Performer / INTERPRÈTE niela miller
Album Title (titre de l'album) SONGS OF LEAVING
Version of Hey Joe: song
"Baby Please Don't Go To Town"
Pre "Hey Joe" - pre Hendrix cover
in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 1:51
Musical genre / Genre musical Folk
Medium (Support): LP (2000 copies made)
Cat. Number (Référence): NPH44001
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré) 1962*
®: released (paru) 2009
Country of interpreter Female singer from NYC, New York, USA
Members: (membres) Niella Miller: Vocals, Guitar
Website: -
*Song wrote by Niela Miller around 1955

same version on: / même version sur:

niela miller cd song of leaving front Performer (INTERPRÈTE): niela miller
album Title (titre de l'album) SONGS OF LEAVING
Version of Hey Joe: song
"Baby Please Don't Go To Town"
Pre "Hey Joe" - pre Hendrix cover
in English
Duration of Hey Joe: 1:51
Musical genre / Genre musical Folk
Medium (Support): CD
Cat. Nr / Référence: 644001
Mono / Stereo: Stereo
Origin of medium: USA
©: recorded (enregistré) 1962
®: released (paru) 2009

gbflag in 2004, my Dutch friend Jan Marius sent to me "Baby don’t go to town" (different version of the LP) recorded in 1961. Billy Roberts copyrighted Hey Joe in 1962.
Niela write: doing the song, on May 4th or 5th, 1961, when I recorded it at the Indian Neck Folk Festival.
In fact, the Indian Neck Folk Festival 1961 (feat. Bob Dylan and Connie Francis) took place: at the Montowesi Hotel in Branford, Connecticut, USA on May 6th, 1961.

frflag En 2004 mon ami Hollandais Jan m'a envoyé "Baby don’t go to town" (version différente du LP) enregistré en 1961. Billy Roberts a enregistré (copyright) Hey Joe en 1962.
Niela écrit: chanson créée le 4 ou 5 mai 1961, quand je l'ai enregistrée au Indian Neck Folk Festival
en fait, le Indian Neck Folk Festival 1961 (avec Bob Dylan et Connie Francis) a eu lieu à l'hôtel Montowesi à Brandford, Connecticut, USA le 6 mai 1961.
text and pictures updated in November 2018

gbflag Thank to Jan Marius (webmaster of, him, Nora (my wife) and I met Niela and her friends in Amsterdam on July 14, 2005.
She is a very likeable woman. Niela was the Billy Roberts’s girlfriend in 50’s to 1961 or 1962.
She wrote a song: Baby don’t go to town,released in 2009 on the LP Songs Of Leaving. Her song is composed to the tune of Hey Joe.
Niela says: Billy Roberts wrote another lyrics and copyrighted the song under his name in 1962.

frflag Grâce à Jan Marius (webmaster de, lui, Nora (ma femme) et moi avons rencontré Niela et ses amis à Amsterdam le 14 juillet 2005.
C' est une femme très sympathique. Niela était la compagne de Billy Roberts dans les années 50 jusqu'en 1961 ou 1962. Elle a écrit une chanson: Baby don’t go to town ( paru en 2009 sur le LP Songs Of Leaving. Sa chanson est composée sur l'air de Hey Joe.
Niela dit: Billy Roberts a écrit d'autres paroles et a enregistré (copyright) la chanson sous son nom en 1962
texte et photos mis-à-jour en novembre 2018

niela and jan pictniela_bettween1niela and christian pict
Amsterdam on July 14, 2005 - Niela and Janniela_bettween1Amsterdam on July 14, 2005 - Niela and I

niela and friends 1
Amsterdam on July 14, 2005 - from left to right - de gauche à droite: Nora, Ilana, Kees, Niela, Tine, Jan and I

niela and friends 2
Amsterdam on July 14, 2005 - from left to right - de gauche à droite: Ilana, Kees, Niela, Tine, Jan and I

niela in 50's picture
Niela Miller in 50's

Sixties's Performers